Tommy Steele And The Steelmen / Butterfingers & Cannibal Pot (1957) / E+
Tommy Steele And The Steelmen / Butterfingers & Cannibal Pot (1957) / E+
Dion And The Belmonts / A Teenager In Love & I`ve Cried Before (1959) / E-
Dion And The Belmonts / A Teenager In Love & I`ve Cried Before (1959) / E-
Ricky Nelson / Lonesome Town & My Babe (1958) / V+
Ricky Nelson / Lonesome Town & My Babe (1958) / V+
Bobby Day / Rockin`Robin & Over And Over (1958) / E-
Bobby Day / Rockin`Robin & Over And Over (1958) / E-
Keine Abbildung zugeordnet
Keine Abbildung zugeordnet
Everly Brothers, The / Take A Message To Mary & Poor Jenny (1959) / V+
Everly Brothers, The / Take A Message To Mary & Poor Jenny (1959) / V+
Bo Diddley / Bo Diddley & I`m A Man (1955) / V-
Bo Diddley / Bo Diddley & I`m A Man (1955) / V-
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